Plone 4.3.3 - Relstorage
These are my notes for using Relstorage with Plone 4.3.3. My reason for doing this is I wanted to have a live copy of my plone site on a separate server. I wanted things put into one plone site to show up on the other (and vice-versa). This is hard to do with the default plone setup because 'data.fs' is large and plone needs to be restarted when copied it over.
In my searches for a solution I found RelStorage. Relstorage allows you to store you blob data in a mysql database instead of 'data.fs'. Once that data is in mysql, it is easy to replicate between servers with Multi-Master replication (like mariadb galera).
Reference Documents
Issues I had setting up RelStorage
1.) Based on previous directions I thought I needed to patch ZODB files for RelStorage. I have since found out that starting in ZODB 3.9 a patch is no longer needed.
2.) On my first attempt I kept getting a Temporary Directory error. The error I was getting was "Error Value: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'temporaryDirectory'". Eventually I found it was because I was not specifying 'blob-dir' in 'zinstance\buildout.cfg' (see below).
*note* my plone directory is '/opt/PloneRep-4-3-3/'. Replace this with your plone path in in the instuctions below.
1.) edit 'zinstance/buildout.cfg'.
--Under [buildout], add the following eggs--
eggs =<br></br> Plone<br></br> Pillow<br></br> RelStorage<br></br> MySQL-python
--Under [instance], add the following--
[instance]<br></br>rel-storage =<br></br> type mysql<br></br> host<br></br> db plone<br></br> user ploneuser<br></br> passwd supersecretpw<br></br> shared-blob-dir false<br></br> blob-dir /opt/PloneRep-4-3-3/zinstance/var/blobstorage<br></br> blob-cache-size 10mb
-- Add to the end of buildout.cfg to get zodbconvert tool --
[zopepy]<br></br>scripts = zopepy zodbconvert<br></br> <br></br>[zodbconvert]<br></br>recipe = zc.recipe.egg<br></br>eggs = ${buildout:eggs}<br></br>scripts = zodbconvert
2.) Run the plone buildout
*note* buildout may fail if libmysqlclient-dev or libmariadbclient-dev are not installed
cd /opt/PloneRep-4-3-3/zinstance<br></br>sudo -u plone_buildout bin/buildout
3.) If you just want a blank plone site you are done at this point. Start plone with 'bin/plonectl fg' to verify there are no errors. If you want to convert an existing plone site...continue to the next step.
4.) Create a settings xml file for zodbconvert
*note* my data source is my old plone directory, /opt/Plone-4-3-3/ . This is converting data.fs and FileStorage in the 'bushy' format.
<filestorage source><br></br> path /opt/Plone-4-3-3/zinstance/var/filestorage/Data.fs<br></br> blob-dir /opt/Plone-4-3-3/zinstance/var/blobstorage<br></br></filestorage><br></br> <br></br><relstorage destination><br></br> shared-blob-dir false<br></br> # ZODB Cache Dir<br></br> blob-dir ./var/blobstorage<br></br> blob-cache-size 10mb<br></br> <mysql><br></br> host<br></br> db plone<br></br> user ploneuser<br></br> passwd supersecretpw<br></br> </mysql><br></br></relstorage>
5.) Run zodbconvert
cd /opt/PloneRep-4-3-3/zinstance<br></br>bin/zodbconvert --clear /opt/PloneRep-4-3-3/zinstance/conv.xml
6.) If the conversion goes successfully, this is a good time to make a backup of your new plone mysql database (I know I used my backup a few times in getting this all working)
7.) you should now be ready to start plone. start it with 'plonectl fg' to make sure there are no errors.